Connections, capabilities, courage.

If we can unlock the potential of our young migrants, each one of them could become a migrant leader of the future, make huge contributions to Britain and be an inspiration to the next generation of migrants.


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About Migrant Leaders

Migrant Leaders is an independent UK registered charity programme. It’s aims are to:

  • Inspire and develop disadvantaged young migrants across the UK to broaden their horizons and capture opportunities well beyond their aspirations. Build leadership and motivate young migrants to fulfil their true career potential, consequently maximising their contributions to the British economy, society and communities
  • Provide bespoke support to equip talented young migrants with the knowledge, skills and confidence to enter and take on leadership roles in major public and private sector organisations

The problem

Citizen Directors of colour who migrated to Britain represent only 1.3% of FTSE100 Boardrooms and almost all were privately educated. Our charity aims to remove barriers experienced by migrants. It will set the direction and accelerate the development of young migrants through specially designed leadership modules, targeted workshops, mentors and quality work connections. Through early, bespoke intervention the charity seeks to create a level playing field for migrants so that their talents, skills and capabilities are fully realised and their potential fulfilled.


Our mission

Our vision is to equip every young migrant regardless of their background, with the leadership mindset and capabilities they need to capture opportunities to fulfil their potential. Concurrently they will feel a productive and valued member of British society, thereby boosting social mobility, tackling discrimination and strengthening communities. Our ambition is to cultivate talented young migrants and equip them with the skills necessary to succeed right to the very top of leading private and public sector organisations in Britain.


Join Migrant Leaders today

If you are as passionate as we are about helping young migrants fulfil their true potential in the UK, then we want to talk to you about joining Migrant Leaders as a mentor, mentee or partner.


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